Does listening to motivational speakers make you uncomfortable?
A couple of people lately have told me that they don’t like listening to motivational speakers.
Now I listen to different motivational tracks in the morning to keep me on task at the gym and keep my willpower up to finish strong. I hear some good stuff and it eventually all soaks into my brain that way. Then when I’m working, I’ll play different videos from YouTube in the background, listening for a nugget of information that I didn’t have before and that might be useful.
Now in doing this and because I’m a pretty positive person by nature, when I find something I find interesting, I want to share it.
I pressed them for why and I got answers like “I don’t like people yelling at me” or “I don’t like the way he talks”. They like softer, more gentle motivational speakers they said. Now I can understand not liking the yelling, But I couldn’t understand the whole anxiety thing.
It took me a few weeks then today at the gym, I finally got the jolt of insight that I had been missing. There was nothing wrong with how these people were speaking or delivering their message. It wasn’t too loud, it wasn’t too rough. It was simply that they were calling people out on their bullshit.
These speakers are calling people out on not living up to their full potential and that is scary to most people. It is way easier to hang back, not put in, as Deadpool would say, ‘maximum effort’. It is easier to not try and make excuses and settle for average. As long as no one is challenging them, it is easy to keep that surrender to being average out of the consciousness. When someone calls it out though, it makes people feel uncomfortable. This is why they have anxiety listening to them.
That anxiety is their brains getting hit with a laser beam of truth right in the bucket of things that they are avoiding thinking about.
My question for you now is what happens when you run face first into a motivational video? Do you avoid it? Why?
I highly suggest that if you aren’t listening to some, that you start now.
Here are a few that I like for my morning workout sessions.
- Success and Nothing Less: Motivational Speeches and Workout Music
- Alpha Motivation
- Sleeve Busters Union
These are all on Amazon Prime (and I’m too lazy to go track down more) but there are plenty others on YouTube and other platforms. Go find some that get you moving. Hell, if you really need your ass kicked, go punch up some Gary V videos on YouTube. He will tell it to you straight.
If you find something awesome, leave me a comment below and let me know!