Advocare 24 Day Challenge

I Have NEVER  Done A Real Diet

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge 2018 I started the year by taking on the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge.

For the last decade I’ve been becoming more and more focused on getting in shape. It started by building up to being able to actually run a 5k. The start was ugly. I had no idea I was SO out of shape. That has changed with sustained time and effort. But I’m still not where I want to be.

I figure I have 10-20 of body fat that I can get rid of. If I can, then I can do pull ups (maybe) which are a giant goal of mine because several of the Spartan Race obstacles require hanging and swinging.

To that end I figured I’d do an actual diet to see if I could kick 2018 off with some weight loss. The AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge was an easy pick for a diet plan.  Jacquie has already been using their products for a while so I already had access to it and it was readily available.

One thing to note here is I am not repping this product. Jacquie is however so if you decide to sign up with her, I benefit but in a more indirect fashion. I can say as with all my review, I’ll always be brutally honest.

What Is The AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge?

Big disclaimer, I’m definitely not an expert on AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge, I’m just along for the ride.

Core changes for me on this diet are:

  • No coffee
  • No Soda/Pop
  • No junk carbs (ie. chips)
  • No fast food
  • Little to no dairy

Beyond that the program has a 10 cleanse phase that incorporates a supplement in the morning, fiber with your breakfast and another supplement at bed time.  Another challenge for me is meals. I’m not good at eating on a regular basis and I chronically under-eat believe it or not. Doing the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge, I’m regulated to 3 meals a day and 2 snacks.

Honestly, if you are good avoiding everything on the list above, this diet isn’t that hard. I know for some people giving up caffeine and sugar are a giant hurdle, for me it is not a big deal.  To help track all of this and make sure I’m eating enough in relation to my output, I’m tracking everything with a FitBit and the associated apps/sites like My Fitness Pal.

Water is one thing that the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge requires you to consume in large quantities. Their equation is half your body weight in pounds in how many ounces a day you should be drinking. For me that is a whopping 140 ounces a day. This is a challenge!

Diary of My Diet

I will update this post along the way so you can see my experienced with it.

My starting weight at the beginning of this is #287. No featherweight here.  Ideally I’d like to be in the 260s, but I’m thinking I’m adding muscle about as fast as I’ve been burning off fat, so that may just be a dream.

Along the way I’ll update this page and try and shoot some video to keep things interesting.

If I come across any great recipes that are compliant with this diet, I’ll be sure to post them in the recipes section!

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